
Michèle Flournoy

Co-Founder and Managing Partner

Former Under Secretary of Defense for Policy

Sergio Aguirre

Co-Founder and Managing Partner

Former Chief of Staff to the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations and Former Director, National Security Council

Nitin Chadda

Co-Founder and Managing Partner

Former Senior Advisor to the Secretary of Defense and Former Director, National Security Council


Ambassador Gina Abercrombie-Winstanley

Senior Advisor

Former U.S. Ambassador to the Republic of Malta and Former Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer, U.S. Department of State

Christine Abizaid


Former Director of the National Counterterrorism Center and Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Central Asia

Ambassador Erica Barks Ruggles

Senior Advisor

Former Head of U.S. Mission to UNESCO and Former Ambassador to Rwanda, U.S. Department of State

Shawn Barnes

Senior Advisor

Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Air Force, Congressional Budget and Appropriations Liaison

Lincoln Bloomfield

Senior Advisor

Former Special Envoy and Former Assistant Secretary for Political Military Affairs, U.S. Department of State

Major General Charlie Bolden, USMC (Ret.)


Former Administrator and Astronaut, NASA

John Brennan


Former Director, Central Intelligence Agency

Rebecca Brocato

Senior Advisor

Former Special Assistant to the President and Former Chief of Staff, Development Finance Corporation

Harry G. Broadman


Former Chief of Staff, President’s Council of Economic Advisers; Former U.S. Assistant Trade Representative; and Former Managing Director, Albright Capital Management

General Vincent K. Brooks, USA (Ret.)


Former Commander of the United Nations Command, Combined Forces Command, and United States Forces Korea

Leanne Caret

Senior Advisor

Former President and CEO, Boeing Defense, Space, and Security

Ron Clark


Former Deputy Under Secretary, Department of Homeland Security and Former Acting Senior Director and Director, National Security Council

General Rich Clarke, USA (Ret.)


Former Commander, U.S. Special Operations Command

John Conger

Senior Advisor

Former Acting Assistant Secretary for Energy, Installations, and Environment, U.S. Department of Defense

John Costello


Former Chief of Staff and Principal Architect, Office of the National Cyber Director

J.D. Crouch


Former Deputy National Security Advisor and Former Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Policy

Maeve Cuddy


Wendy Cutler


Former Acting Deputy U.S. Trade Representative

Ivo Daalder


Former Ambassador to NATO and Former Director for European Affairs, National Security Council

Preston Dunlap

Senior Advisor

Former Chief Technology Officer and Chief Architect Officer, U.S. Air Force and Space Force

Elizabeth Economy


Former Senior Advisor for China to the Secretary, Department of Commerce

Wendy Edelberg


Former Chief Economist, Congressional Budget Office

Jonathan Elkind

Senior Advisor

Former Assistant Secretary for International Affairs, Department of Energy

Paul Farley

Senior Advisor

Former Assistant Director for South and Central Asia, Central Intelligence Agency

Brett Freedman

Senior Advisor

Former Chief of Staff, U.S. Department of Justice National Security Division

Michael Fuchs

Senior Advisor

Former Deputy Chief of Staff, Office of the Vice President, and Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs

Kevin Gallagher

Senior Advisor

Former Senior Advisor to the Secretary, Department of Commerce

Dana Gansman

Senior Operations Associate

Michelle Gavin

Senior Advisor

Former U.S. Ambassador to the Republic of Botswana and Former U.S. Representative to the Southern Africa Development Community

Eric Green

Senior Advisor

Former Senior Director for Russia and Central Asia, National Security Council

General David Goldfein, USAF (Ret.)


Former Chief of Staff, U.S. Air Force

Adam M. Golodner

Senior Advisor

Former Chief of Staff, U.S. Department of Justice Antitrust Division

Lawrence J. Gumbiner

Senior Advisor

Former Deputy Assistant Secretary, U.S. Department of State

Henry Haggard

Senior Advisor

Former Minister Counselor for Political Affairs, U.S. Embassy Seoul, and Director for UK and the Eastern Mediterranean, National Security Council

Janice Haith

Senior Advisor

Former Chief Information Officer, U.S. Navy

Emily Harding


Former Deputy Staff Director, U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence

Kevin Higgins


Former Chief of Staff to the Director, Central Intelligence Agency

General Mike Holmes, USAF (Ret.)


Former Commander of Air Combat Command, U.S. Air Force

Emily Horne

Senior Advisor

Former Special Assistant to the President and Former Spokesperson, National Security Council

Michael Horowitz

Senior Advisor

Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Force Development and Emerging Capabilities

Jason Hsu

Senior Advisor

Former Legislator At-Large, Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan

Michael Irving

Senior Associate

Ambassador Jim Jeffrey

Senior Advisor

Former Deputy National Security Advisor and Former Special Envoy to the Coalition to Defeat ISIS

Janet Kavandi

Senior Advisor

Former Director of the Glenn Research Center, NASA

Mark Kelly


Former Commander of Air Combat Command, U.S. Air Force

Andrea Kendall-Taylor

Senior Advisor

Former Deputy National Intelligence Officer for Russia and Eurasia, National Intelligence Council, and Former Senior Analyst, Central Intelligence Agency

Vice Admiral Joe Kernan, USN (Ret.)


Former Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security

Sean Kirkpatrick

Senior Advisor

Former Deputy Director of Intelligence and DNI Representative to U.S. Space Command

Kate Almquist Knopf

Senior Advisor

Former Director of the Africa Center for Strategic Studies, U.S. Department of Defense, and Former Assistant Administrator for Africa, USAID

Harry Krejsa

Senior Advisor

Former Assistant Director for Strategy, White House Office of the National Cyber Director

Alexis Prieur L’Heureux

Vice President

Former Chief of Staff, Office of U.S. Congressman Seth Moulton

Linda Lourie

Linda Lourie


Former Assistant Director for Research and Technology Security, White House Office of Science and Technology Policy

General Stephen R. Lyons, USA (Ret.)

Senior Advisor

Former Presidential Special Envoy for Ports and Supply Chains and Former Commander, U.S. Transportation Command

Vice Admiral Joe Maguire, USN (Ret.)


Former Acting Director of National Intelligence and Former Director, National Counterterrorism Center

Kaye McKean

Senior Associate

Kevin Merrigan

Senior Advisor

Former Vice President, Department of Defense Business Development, General Dynamics Corporation

Nicholas Monaco

Senior Associate

Admiral Bill Moran, USN (Ret.)


Former Vice Chief of Naval Operations and Former Chief of Naval Personnel, U.S. Navy

Mike O’Sullivan

Senior Advisor

Former Chief Investment Officer, Credit Suisse

Daniel Poneman


Former Deputy Secretary of Energy and Former Special Assistant to the President for Nonproliferation and Export Controls

Ambassador Dennis Ross

Senior Advisor

Former Special Assistant to the President and Former Senior Director for the Central Region, National Security Council

Danny Russel


Former Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs and Former Senior Director for Asian Affairs, National Security Council

Rear Admiral Lorin Selby, USN (Ret.)


Former Chief of Naval Research and Former Chief Engineer, U.S. Navy

Arun A. Seraphin

Senior Advisor

Former Professional Staff Member, U.S. Senate Committee on Armed Services

Vice Admiral Bob Sharp, USN (Ret.)


Former Director, National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency

Ambassador Dana Shell Smith


Former U.S. Ambassador to the State of Qatar and Former Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs

Michael Singh

Senior Advisor

Former Senior Director for Near East and North African Affairs, National Security Council

Vikram Singh

Senior Vice President

Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for South and Southeast Asia

David Skilling

Senior Advisor

Former Senior Advisor to the Secretary, New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Rebecca Skoryanc

Director of Operations

Christopher Smart


Former Special Assistant to the President for Economics, Trade and Investment and Former Deputy Assistant Secretary for Europe and Eurasia, U.S. Treasury

Hanscom Smith

Senior Advisor

Former U.S. Consul General in Hong Kong

Jamie Smith

Senior Advisor

Former Deputy White House Press Secretary and Former Director of Public Affairs, Office of the Director of National Intelligence

Richard Stengel

Senior Advisor

Former Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs, U.S. Department of State

Jen Stewart


Former Chief of Staff to the Secretary of Defense

Rear Admiral Mike Studeman USN (Ret.)

Senior Advisor

Former Commander, Office of Naval Intelligence

Michael Thadani

Associate Director

Katie Tobin

Senior Advisor

Former Deputy Assistant to the President and Senior Director for Transborder, White House National Security Council

Eric Traupe


Former Assistant Director for Near East, Central Intelligence Agency

Jim Townsend

Senior Advisor

Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of European and NATO Policy, U.S. Department of Defense

General Glen VanHerck, USAF (Ret.)


Former Commander of U.S. Northern Command (NORTHCOM) and North American Aerospace Defence Command (NORAD), U.S. Air Force

Matthew Waxman

Senior Advisor

Former Principal Deputy Director and Acting Director of the Secretary of State’s Policy Planning Staff and Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense

Robert O. Work


Former Deputy Secretary of Defense and Former Under Secretary of the Navy

Alex Zerden

Senior Advisor

Former Financial Attache, U.S. Treasury

Nick Zimmerman

Senior Advisor

Former Director for Brazil and Southern Cone Affairs, National Security Council, and Former Senior Policy Advisor to the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations