Matt Waxman quoted in Defense One article, “Transfers Alone Won’t Close Guantanamo Bay”

“'Many of the remaining cases are so hard. Reducing the population through individual transfers makes the remainder problem smaller, but not very much easier,' said Matthew Waxman, a professor at Columbia University Law School. 'Is the Biden administration prepared to move [Khalid Sheikh Mohammed] and other 9/11 plotters and al Qaeda leaders into the United States? If so, they might be able to close Guantanamo, but they need a solution for those high-profile cases...'" Read the full article here: Full Article

2021-08-02T22:58:53-04:00July 20, 2021|Cybersecurity & Defense|

Matt Waxman quoted in Lawfare article, “Repealing the ‘Zombie’ Iraq AUMF(s): A Clear Win for Constitutional Hygiene but Unlikely to End Forever Wars”

"Furthermore, from a constitutional hygiene perspective, it is discomforting to see decades-old force authorizations remain valid law. As Matthew Waxman has pointed out, there is even a 1957 AUMF on the books that is just now becoming the focus of possible repeal as well. For these reasons, the repeal of the Iraq AUMF(s) should not be dismissed as an undeserving endeavor—a proactive Congress interested in overseeing military conflict should be applauded. Just don’t expect this action alone to do much to [...]

2021-08-02T22:52:44-04:00July 14, 2021|Cybersecurity & Defense|

Matt Waxman quoted in Newsweek article, “Cybersecurity Firms Take the Offensive While Avoiding ‘All-Out War’”

"Cyberattacks on public and private entities in the U.S. occur every 39 seconds. The Microsoft Digital Defense Report for 2020 found that most attacks by nation states come from China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran. "But lack of transparency is a major challenge when it comes to holding these nations accountable through international law. "'It's much, much harder to penetrate what's going on with an adversary's cyber capabilities,' Matthew Waxman, an expert in international law and cybersecurity with the Council on [...]

2021-08-02T22:20:49-04:00June 29, 2021|Cybersecurity & Defense|

Matt Waxman quoted in Newsweek article, “Cybersecurity Firms Take the Offensive While Avoiding ‘All-Out War'”

"Without a cyberwar to set precedent, Waxman said nations must blaze their own trails when navigating this new territory. When interpreting what constitutes an offensive attack, Waxman said the intent to cause damage serves as one signal on an operational level. Beyond that, the line between espionage and warfare becomes blurred..." Read the full article here: Full Article

2021-08-02T22:30:22-04:00June 29, 2021|Cybersecurity & Defense|

Matt Waxman publishes book with Nobuhisa Ishizuka and Masahiro Kurosaki: Strengthening the U.S.-Japan Alliance: Pathways for Bridging Law and Policy

"The U.S.-Japan alliance is a cornerstone of American foreign and defense policy in East Asia. 'It’s critical to the security of the region,' says Matthew Waxman, Liviu Librescu Professor of Law and faculty chair of the Law School’s National Security Law Program. 'To understand how the U.S.-Japan alliance operates in practice, it’s important for Japanese experts, policymakers, and academics to understand better how the U.S. legal system operates and, in turn, for their American counterparts to better understand how the Japanese [...]

Matt Waxman writes in Lawfare: “Avoiding Post-Election Chaos: Wilson vs. Hughes, 1916”

"The prospect of a contested presidential election, including premature claims of victory—or worse, one in which President Trump deliberately foils a clear outcome against him—rightly has people worried. It’s a reminder that some structural aspects of the U.S. presidential election system, like its decentralization and long transition period between election and inauguration, can be major liabilities. It’s also a reminder of how much the system depends on candidates’ commitment to certain principles and to the system itself..." Read the full article [...]

2020-10-20T15:52:26-04:00October 6, 2020|Cybersecurity & Defense|

Matt Waxman creates new website with Bobby Chesney, “National Security Law Lectures”

"In case what is missing from your life is a series of video lectures breaking down national security law topics, we are here to help! "During our summers under COVID lockdown, we finally had time—and extra reason—to act on a project we've talked about for years: developing and recording together a set of U.S. national security law video lectures. These videos are intended for use by students, teachers, practitioners, journalists, or anyone who just wants to know about this stuff..." Learn [...]

2020-11-18T16:27:43-05:00September 2, 2020|Cybersecurity & Defense|

Matt Waxman quoted in Inside Security article, “FCC Seeks Input on Regulatory Review Of ‘Section 230’ Liability Protection; Issues Touch on Countering Disinformation”

"Columbia’s Waxman told Inside Cybersecurity that 'foreign disinformation campaigns remain a huge threat and the United States is still working to develop the tools to combat them.' "Waxman said, 'One reason why it's hard to combat disinformation through regulation is because while we need to protect our democracy from foreign interference, in our democratic system we don't generally believe the government should be policing speech and expression...'" Read the full article here: Full Article

2020-08-07T08:31:52-04:00August 4, 2020|Cybersecurity & Defense|

Matt Waxman interviewed on The Lawfare Podcast, “The Forgotten War Remembered”

"This year marks the 70th anniversary of the beginning of the Korean War. Though often called the 'Forgotten War,' the Korean War has highly conditioned much of our contemporary international politics in East Asia, and the people of Korea continue to live with its aftermath, both in the north and in the south. And the shadow of the Korean War looms large over something we often debate on Lawfare—war powers. To commemorate the 70th anniversary of the U.S. entry into the [...]

2020-08-01T08:58:19-04:00July 20, 2020|Cybersecurity & Defense|

Matt Waxman and national security leaders urge Congress to provide election officials with additional funds

"American elections, the bedrock of our democracy, face two extraordinary challenges this year: Covid-19 and combatting foreign interference. While these twin challenges are first and foremost a test of our democracy, they are also a threat to our national security. We urge you to provide election officials with the resources they need to protect our elections this year. "As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, state and local governments face significant and unexpected costs as they prepare to provide safe in-person [...]

2020-08-01T12:34:28-04:00July 20, 2020|Press Releases|
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