Liz Rosenberg quoted in The New York Times article, “Bolton Book Puts New Focus on Trump’s Actions in Turkey and China Cases”

"Elizabeth Rosenberg, who served as a senior Treasury adviser working on sanctions issues during the Obama administration and who now studies sanctions policy at the Center for a New American Security, said Mr. Trump’s interventions were unusual and disruptive. “'This is not the norm in Washington,' she said. 'He is making up sanctions policy on his own, and influencing the course of policy in a way that undermines United States priorities and has shocked United States allies...'" Read the full article [...]

2020-01-31T16:10:04-05:00January 28, 2020|Economy & Trade|

Liz Rosenberg quoted in The Wall Street Journal article, “New Sanctions Power Could Squeeze Remaining Iranian Trade Channels”

"The executive order is a limited expansion of the already extensive U.S. sanctions on Iran, but it gives sweeping power for the U.S. to issue secondary sanctions on non-U.S. individuals and companies that maintain ties with Iran, said Elizabeth Rosenberg, a former senior sanctions adviser at the Treasury Department. “'A primary intention of these measures is to threaten Iran and deter anyone who would do business with Iran,' she said... "By naming a few targets outside of Iran, the U.S. sends [...]

2020-01-16T22:00:11-05:00January 10, 2020|Economy & Trade|

Liz Rosenberg quoted in The Wall Street Journal article, “Additional Iran-Related Sanctions by U.S. May Have Little Impact, Sanctions Experts Say”

"The EU’s decision would be important particularly amid diverging policies between Europe and the U.S., said Elizabeth Rosenberg, a senior fellow at the Center for a New American Security. The U.S. and EU previously coordinated sanctions lists and worked together to reach the 2015 nuclear deal. However, their sanctions strategies are no longer in alignment since President Trump withdrew the U.S. from the Iran nuclear pact in 2018. “'It’s different this time,' said Ms. Rosenberg, who previously advised on Iran sanctions [...]

2020-01-16T21:05:16-05:00January 6, 2020|Economy & Trade|

Liz Rosenberg writes with Jordan Tama in Defense One: “Add Economic Policy to Deterrence Planning”

"American defense leaders have adapted over the years to shifts in technology and conflict — for example, accepting space and cyber as principal warfighting domains and integrating them into planning and thinking about deterrence and escalation. But national security policymakers are overdue to incorporate economic instruments, such as sanctions and trade controls, into planning for conflicts and crises. "From Russia and North Korea to Iran and Venezuela, U.S. presidents and lawmakers have long employed varying levels of economic pressure to alter [...]

2020-01-16T21:43:19-05:00December 16, 2019|Cybersecurity & Defense, Economy & Trade|

Ely Ratner, Liz Rosenberg, and Paul Scharre write in Foreign Affairs: “Beyond the Trade War: A Competitive Approach to Countering China”

"The verdict is in on U.S. President Donald Trump’s trade war with China. Regardless of whether U.S. negotiators soon reach a deal with Beijing, the administration’s initial gambit has run aground. After wreaking havoc on portions of the U.S. economy with his trade policies, the president is now angling to freeze or roll back tariffs on Chinese products in exchange for almost nothing. Deal or no deal in the coming days, it is clear that the United States needs a fundamentally [...]

Liz Rosenberg quoted in The New Yorker article, “Could Iran’s Revolution Unravel Over a Four-Cent Price Hike?”

"For now, the Islamic Republic may be able to contain the unrest. 'The violence is not necessarily a precursor to more massive political violence in Iran; nor is it the desperate and bloody response of a regime verging on collapse,' Elizabeth Rosenberg, a former treasury specialist now at the Center for a New American Security, told me. Despite Iran’s struggles under powerful sanctions, 'it would be folly to underestimate the staying power of Iran’s regime élites who are experts at repressive [...]

2019-12-13T07:41:53-05:00December 6, 2019|Economy & Trade|

Liz Rosenberg quoted in The Economist article, “Donald Trump Uses Sanctions More Keenly Than Any of His Predecessors”

"What has driven this surge in sanctions? According to Marshall Billingslea, an assistant secretary in the Treasury department, the growth reflects Donald Trump’s innovative 'financial statecraft.' Certainly, they seem an ideal tool for Mr Trump, who wants to put foreigners under lots of pressure but is reluctant to send troops or bombers to do the job. 'Sanctions are perceived to be an option for when words aren't good enough but war is too much,' says Elizabeth Rosenberg, of the Centre for [...]

2019-12-02T07:50:48-05:00November 24, 2019|Economy & Trade|

Liz Rosenberg quoted in The Wall Street Journal article, “U.S. Sanctions Compliance Weighs on Nonfinancial Companies”

“‘In financial services, people are very accustomed to these sanctions,’ Ms. Rosenberg said. ‘There’s a lot of existing knowledge about what it means to have sovereign debt restrictions, correspondent banking restrictions.’ “‘But when there are new measures that go at nonfinancials—which is an expressed goal of this administration, for example, in the shipping industry, other manufacturing areas—that is a new compliance challenge for many industries, who haven’t seen this kind of measure being handed out before, and who may not have, [...]

2019-12-02T08:01:32-05:00November 19, 2019|Economy & Trade|

Liz Rosenberg quoted in The Atlantic article, “The Trump Administration Has Only One Move”

"If U.S. sanctions turn out to be mostly symbolic, 'that would be a relatively minor economic or diplomatic cost worth bearing for Turkey to advance its military objectives in the region,' Elizabeth Rosenberg, who worked on sanctions policy in the Obama administration and is now at the Center for a New American Security..." Read the full article here: Full Article

2019-10-18T14:16:06-04:00October 16, 2019|Economy & Trade|
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