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So far Rebecca Skoryanc has created 809 blog entries.

Michèle Flournoy quoted in The Economist article, “Why Joe Biden Is Ending America’s Combat Mission in Iraq”

“Mr Biden’s moves represent the start of a larger transformation in America’s posture. ‘There’s a working hypothesis…that we’re probably overinvested in the Middle East,’ says Michèle Flournoy, a former Pentagon official. ‘Despite discussions of prioritising the Asia-Pacific, we haven’t actually shifted all that much of our weight in that direction,’ she adds. The vast Al-Udeid air base in southern Qatar actually expanded in the Trump years. It is thought still to house more than 10,000 American troops, part of a presence [...]

2021-08-02T23:10:46-04:00July 31, 2021|Geopolitical Perspectives|

Danny Russel quoted in The New York Times article, “China’s New U.S. Ambassador Is Likely to Reflect Beijing’s Confidence”

“Mr. Qin’s appointment may reflect that ‘the Chinese system seems to be in a phase of favoring unswerving loyalty to the party above diplomatic achievement,’ said Daniel Russel, a former American diplomat who is now a vice president at the Asia Society Policy Institute…” Read the full article here: Full Article

2021-08-02T23:08:28-04:00July 27, 2021|Geopolitical Perspectives|

Emily Harding quoted in Voice of America article, “Biden Accuses Russia of Already Interfering in 2022 Election”

"'I'm not sure it's going to be a shock to anybody that Russia is looking at disinformation for the 2022 election. I think it is a really good reminder, though, that Russia continues to do this and that nothing has dissuaded them yet,' [Harding] said…” Read the full article here: Full Article

2021-08-02T23:09:10-04:00July 27, 2021|Cybersecurity & Defense|

Charlie Bolden interviewed in Politico article, “The Billionaut Boys Club”

“First of all, we really need to help the public understand that while these two flights are really geared toward — I guess space tourism is the term that people like to use. These two flights [are the] evolution of civilian or nongovernment spaceflight. “We’ve already done the really, really hard thing, which is to take humans into orbital spaceflight. And now we're coming back to the easier part of it, which is just transporting humans into space and right back [...]

2021-08-02T23:12:47-04:00July 27, 2021|Cybersecurity & Defense|

Meghan O’Sullivan quoted in Bloomberg article, “Aramco Becomes Latest Victim of Cyber Attacks”

“Saudi Arabia and Russia clinched a deal for an OPEC+ production increase by partly submitting to the United Arab Emirates’ demands for a more generous quota. Still, the compromise leaves Riyadh and Moscow — the organization’s two biggest members — further on top. They made sure of that by awarding themselves the biggest increases. The dispute between Saudi Arabia and the UAE was essentially about the energy transition and the Emiratis being better prepared for it, Meghan L. O’Sullivan says…” Read [...]

2021-08-02T23:11:46-04:00July 25, 2021|Cybersecurity & Defense|

Dennis Ross writes in Bloomberg: “To Deter Iran, Give Israel a Big Bomb”

“With negotiations paused until a new hardline administration takes office in Tehran, the chances of reviving the 2015 Iran nuclear deal anytime soon are not bright. Moreover, even successful talks might not stop Iran’s leaders from pursuing nuclear weapons. The Biden administration needs to find a better way to deter them. “It’s still possible, perhaps even likely, that the desire for sanctions relief will prompt the Iranians to rejoin the deal, formally known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, once [...]

2021-08-02T23:03:59-04:00July 23, 2021|Geopolitical Perspectives|

Michèle Flournoy featured in Hudson Institute event, “Transforming U.S. Defense”

"Representative Seth Moulton (D-MA), former Undersecretary for Defense Policy Michèle Flournoy, and Jay Dryer, the Defense Department’s Strategic Command Operations director, joined a virtual conversation on transforming U.S. defense capabilities. Discussed topics included competition with China, funding for future technologies, the importance of cyber software in winning wars of the future, and investment in innovation and research..." Watch the full event here: Full Event

2021-08-02T23:05:41-04:00July 23, 2021|Cybersecurity & Defense|
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